+48 509 777 999

60 days of testing for free

Terms and conditions of the promotion “60 days of testing for free”


Terms and conditions of the SOVEA online store promotion (


§ 1
Preliminary provisions

  1. The SOVEA online store, available at the Internet address, is operated by M9 sp. z o.o., based in Gdansk, registered in the National Court Register by the District Court of Gdansk-North in Gdansk, VII Economic Department of the National Court Register under the KRS number 0000726200, with a share capital of 20,000 PLN, NIP 5833296731, REGON 369879791.
  2. These regulations are addressed to both consumers and entrepreneurs using the store and set out the rules for the use of the online store and the rules and procedure for concluding sales agreements with the customer at a distance through the store.

§ 2

  1. Consumer – a natural person concluding a contract with the seller under the store, the subject of which is not directly related to its economic or professional activity.
  2. Seller – M9 sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Gdansk at Al. Zwycięstwa 13A, postal code 80-219, entered the National Court Register by the District Court of Gdansk-North in Gdansk, VII Economic Department of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000726200, with a share capital of PLN 20,000, NIP 5833296731, REGON 369879791.
  3. Customer – any entity making purchases through the store.
  4. Entrepreneur – a natural person, a legal person, and an organizational unit that is not a legal person, to which a separate law grants legal capacity, performing a business on its own behalf, which uses the store.
  5. Store – an online store operated by the seller at the Internet address
  6. Contract concluded at a distance – a contract concluded with a customer within an organized system of concluding contracts at a distance (within the store), without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties, with the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication up to and including the conclusion of the contract.
  7. Regulations: These are the rules and regulations of the store.
  8. Order – the customer’s declaration of intent made via the order form and aimed directly at concluding a sales agreement for a product or products with the seller.
  9. Account: A customer’s account in the store collects data provided by the customer and information about the orders placed by him or her in the store.
  10. Registration form – a form available in the store that allows you to create an account
  11. Order Form – an interactive form available in the store that allows you to place an order, in particular by adding products to the cart and specifying the terms of the sales agreement, including the method of delivery and payment.
  12. Shopping Cart – an element of the store’s software, where the products selected by the customer for purchase are visible, and it is possible to determine and modify the order data, in particular the quantity of products.
  13. Product – a movable item or service available in the store that is the subject of a sales contract between the customer and the seller.
  14. A sale is a contract of sale of a product concluded or entered into between the customer and the seller via the online store. A “sales agreement” is also understood – applying to the characteristics of the product, as a contract for the provision of services and a contract for work.
  15. Promotion – promotional action, price reduction, or price discount given by the store to customers by lowering the standard price on the website or providing discount coupon(s) used in the shopping cart by the customer

§ 3
Store Contact

  1. Seller’s address: Al. Zwycięstwa 13A, postal code 80-219, Gdansk.
  2. Seller’s e-mail address:
  3. Seller’s bank account number: 53 1140 2004 0000 3102 7760 7928
  4. The customer may communicate with the seller using the addresses and telephone numbers specified in this paragraph.
  5. The customer can communicate with the seller by phone from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

§ 4
Technical requirements

To use the store, including browsing the store’s assortment and placing orders for products, it is necessary to:

  1. A terminal device with access to the Internet and a web browser such as Google Chrome version 70.0.3538.102 or higher, Mozilla Firefox 63.0.1 or higher,
  2. active electronic mail (e-mail) account,
  3. cookies enabled,
  4. Flash Player installed.

§ 5
General information

  1. Promotions should be used in the strict manner specified by the seller, i.e., the store, about the guidelines for the specific promotional action, product, or group of products.
  2. One customer can use the discount coupon(s) once, unless the promotion provisions say otherwise
  3. In the event of non-compliance with the promotional guidelines stipulated in the promotional regulations, the seller reserves the right to cancel the sales contract with the customer.
  4. In matters not regulated by the terms and conditions of the promotion, the rules of the online store shall apply.

§ 6
Promotion: “60 days of testing for free.”

  1. The 60-day free trial is available to all customers in Poland when purchasing a Sovea M-Pro mattress.
    The Sovea M-Pro mattress must have no obvious signs of damage, dirt, or other interference with its top or inner layer (filling). The
    promotion “60 days of testing for free” can be used by any individual and institutional customer* in Poland who has purchased a single** piece of Sovea M-Pro mattress*** on our website and under this promotion has the right to return the goods within 60 days (but not earlier than 30 days after delivery) of receipt (calculated because of the delivery report from the courier company) and does not incur any costs for this – shipping both ways is free.
    Mattresses are delivered by the DPD company, while they are picked up by a private transport company engaged in the transportation of larger items.
    To take advantage of the possibility of collection by a transport company of the returned mattress, the customer must prepare the mattress for transport – fold it in half, wrap the foil in which the mattress was delivered (as tightly as possible so that no dirt gets inside during transport), tape it so that it does not unroll during transport, and, if possible, put a cardboard box around it and tape it as well. Next, report your wish to return to us by email at and wait for the courier.
    * If purchased by a corporate customer
    You must apply for the “60 Days Test Free” promotion in order for your
    purchase to be covered
    ** If you purchase more than one mattress

    You must apply for the “60 Days Test Free” promotion in order for your purchase to be covered.
    ***The promotion is not valid for orders of Special Size, Sovea Mattresses, or Sovea Topper Surface Mattresses.

§ 7
Final provisions

  1. Contracts concluded through the online store are concluded in the Polish language.
  2. The Seller reserves the right to introduce changes to the Terms and Conditions for important reasons, i.e.: changes in legislation, changes in payment, and changes in delivery methods – to the extent that these changes affect the implementation of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. The seller will inform the client about each change at least 7 days in advance.
  3. In matters not covered by these regulations, the generally applicable provisions of Polish law shall apply, in particular the Civil Code, the Law on Providing Electronic Services, the Law on Consumer Rights, and the Law on Personal Data Protection.
  4. The customer has the right to use out-of-court means of handling complaints and claims. For this purpose, he may file a complaint through the EU online ODR platform, available at:

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